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Carbonado Engine (WIP)


Each time it was necessary to create a new game I have used two starting points: either starting from scratch either modifying an existing game which was still laborious. Now it is time to create a complete engine, game-specific independent. I have always tried to keep everything black-boxed and every components of the engine independents. However, at the end of the day, the gameplay of the game was not high-leveled enough and so the reuse of the engine was not obvious.

Started from scratch. The project may be followed on Here (google hostpage).

Some Credits: I am currently reading « Game Coding Complete » from M. McShaffry and al. For now it is a big backbone copied from this book and so, it is obvious to give credits to the authors. However, the rest comes from myself. It had to be said.

What’s Inside?

  • 2D/3D math library (vectors, matrices, quaternions, rand, lerp, slerp)
  • Memory manager (memory leak detection, custom allocators)
  • Debug Output
  • Timer
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